Thursday, September 30, 2010

NoMore Sufferings

An old, sad woman talked
to Mahna's Sheikh:
"Teach me to pray for joy,
for pity's sake -
I've suffered so much that
i cannot bear
To think of future grief-
give me some prayer
To murmur every day."
The sheikh replied:
"How many years i
wandered far and wide
Until i found the fortress
that you seek-
It is the knee, bend it,
accept, be meek;
I found no other way-
this remedy,
And only this, will cure
you of your misery."



In God, there is no
sorrow or suffering or
affliction. If you want to
be free of all affliction
and suffering, hold fast to
God, and turn wholly to
Him, and to no one else.
Indeed, all your suffering
comes from this: that you
do not turn towards God
and no one else.

Meister Eckhart


Stand the pain. Escape
the poison of your im-
pulses. The sky will bow
to your beauty, if you do.

Jalaluddin Rumi

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

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