Thursday, September 30, 2010

Full Of Faith.....

A man of faith, absorbed
in faith, his senses
controlled, attains
knowledge, and,
knowledge attained,
quickly finds supreme
peace. But the ignorant
man, who is without
faith, goes doubting to
destruction. For the
doubting self there is
neither this world, nor
the next, nor joy.

Bhagavad Gita 4: 39-40


Through faith man finds
the Door of Liberation:
Even his relatives are
liberated through him.
Through faith are
both Preceptor and
disciple liberated.
Says Nanak, One with faith
Need not wander about
begging for divine grace.
The great, immaculate
Name of God
May only be realised
by one
Whose mind is firmly
fixed in faith.



By faith you shall be free
and go beyond the
world of death.

Sutta Nipata 11.46

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

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