Saturday, September 11, 2010

Four Views of the World

Once a wise master had four students who exceeded all others in ability. One day the five gathered, and the master spoke to the first student, “Tell me what you see when you look into the world.”

“I see savagery. The planet is raped. The world hides from the truth. Contaminating material is released everywhere. There is particulate matter in the heavens and acid rain. The rain forests are being destroyed, and so is the ozone. There is such ignorance and selfishness. The world needs so much correction.”

The master replied, “You are right, and I shall call you Correction, for you by your vision have committed to a world of need.”

To his second student, the master put the same question, “Tell me what you see when you look into the world.”

The second student replied, “Master, I see futility. Nothing can be done to change the ways of the world, though some will repent and call for change. Still, the world is condemned by the acts of man. The sciences teach us that too many people are coming onto the planet, too much destruction has already been done, too little money is provided for science to adequately assist, and there is too little concern for ethics and values. Crime escalates while families decay. Law is lost.

“You too are right, and I shall call you Righteous, for your indignation beholds a corrupt world beyond repair while your heart suffers its pain. You shall be known for your words, and your works will express the sadness of your heart.”

The master turned his gaze to the third student. “And you, what do you see?”

“I see a world needing the restoration of Law. I do not believe hope is lost. I find encouragement in the words of my brothers, for they too recognize the need the world has for a change of ways. It is with confidence that I sense the willingness of man to change. All good government is government of the people and for the people. It is through law and government that change can be effected. The mass will follow the right action and attitude of government. The agent for change exists and is law and government.”

“You also are right. I shall call you Government, for your words forge your observations and become what you teach. You will therefore be committed to a work of law and order through government.”

Finally, to the fourth student, the master put the same question, “And what do you see?”

“Master, I behold only miracles. Life is a miracle. All being is a miracle. Consciousness is a miracle. I behold God in all creation. I sense the beauty of Love in the fragrance of the flower, in the smile of a child, in the warmth of lovers, in the glow of the stars. When I look onto the world, I am greeted with its mysteries. It is with awe and reverence that each day unfolds its beauty. I know that all things are good and that each expresses their good in their own appropriate manner for the moment. I know that which my brothers speak about is but illusion, for only the eternal is real. I will give no power to thoughts of scarcity, of limitation, of need, for all that is truly needed is here for us to behold, to recognize, and to accept. I wish only to give to the world the sight I have been given. For with these modest eyes and senses, my heart is quickened by the glory of being.”

The master smiled before he spoke. “And you, my chosen student, I will call Truth, for your vision is of Truth, and its reward is the reality it sees. You shall go unto man and teach from what you see, for yours is the vision of what is, and all that is possible rests in this peace. You shall be known by all men by your garments of serenity and peace.”

The master, speaking to all, added these words, “To each of you is the blessing of your vision. As you see the world, so the world reveals itself to you. You will know the world by your vision of it. To each of you will go the works of your sight. You will experience life according to your vision.”

Not only is our reality a matter of choice, but so is the power we give it. Only the eternal is incorruptible. Only the eternal is therefore true. All else is inherently false by definition. To be a master, one must begin by acting like a master. To grow, we must give. The old saying “You cannot receive if the cup is full” is absolutely true of the human condition. As we sow, so do we reap. The first step then in self-actualization, is to give forgiveness and care. The old deep mind link memories disappear; the new memories become both the process and the goal.
Written By Eldon Taylor
Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

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