Thursday, September 30, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

If we all do Random Act of Kindness Daily we might just set the World in Right Direction.....

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Touch of Lemon

When I met Mr. Jim Lemon, I was a sixteen-year-old freshman at Houston's Jackson Junior High and the chances of my finishing high school were slim. I was a troubled teenager with an attitude, living in a neighborhood that fostered troubled teenagers.

Mr. Lemon taught American history and it was clear from the first day that his classroom was not going to be disrupted. It was apparent, very quickly, that Mr. Lemon was quite different from the other teachers I had known. Not only was he a disciplinarian, but also he was a great teacher. He would never settle for my usual standard of classroom work. Mr. Lemon pushed and prodded and never tolerated the mediocrity that had become my standard.

On the occasion of our first semester report cards, Mr. Lemon called me aside and asked how it was possible that I was a B student in his class and a D and F student in the rest of my classes.

I was ready for that question. I passionately told him about my divorced parents, the local gangs, the drugs, the fights, and the police - all the evils that I had been subjected to. Mr. Lemon listened patiently and when I was through he responded, “There’s a problem with your list Mr. Phillips, you are not on it.”

Then Mr. Lemon explained that the only person responsible for my situation was me. And the only person with the potential to change my situation was me, and that when I personally accepted that responsibility I could make a significant change in my life.

He convinced me that I was failing not because I was a failure, but because I was not accepting the responsibility for my results in those other classes. Mr. Lemon was the first teacher I had who made me believe in myself. He inspired me to become a better student and he changed my life.

Ten years later, I spoke to him again. I was preparing to graduate from Chaminade University in Honolulu.

It had taken weeks of telephone calls to find him but I knew what I had to say. When I finally did get Mr. Lemon on the telephone, I explained what his brutal honesty had meant to me, how I finally graduated from high school, and how I was a proud staff sergeant in the Army. I explained how I had married the most beautiful and wonderful woman of my dreams and how we had a beautiful daughter.

Most of all I wanted him to know that I was about to graduate magna cum laude after going to school for four hours a night, four nights a week for three years. I wanted him to know that I could never have done any of these things if he had not been a part of my life.

Finally, I told him that I had been saving money for two years so that I could invite he and his wife to come to Hawaii at my expense to be part of my graduation. I'll never forget his response. Mr. Lemon said, "Who is this again?"

I was just one of hundreds of students whose life he changed and he seemed genuinely surprised of his impact.

Perhaps none of us realize the impact that we have on other people nor do other people have any idea how much of an impact they have on us. How much, then, should we be aware of our influence on others to make sure that it is for the best? And how much more should we tell those who have had a positive impact on our lives?

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

NoMore Sufferings

An old, sad woman talked
to Mahna's Sheikh:
"Teach me to pray for joy,
for pity's sake -
I've suffered so much that
i cannot bear
To think of future grief-
give me some prayer
To murmur every day."
The sheikh replied:
"How many years i
wandered far and wide
Until i found the fortress
that you seek-
It is the knee, bend it,
accept, be meek;
I found no other way-
this remedy,
And only this, will cure
you of your misery."



In God, there is no
sorrow or suffering or
affliction. If you want to
be free of all affliction
and suffering, hold fast to
God, and turn wholly to
Him, and to no one else.
Indeed, all your suffering
comes from this: that you
do not turn towards God
and no one else.

Meister Eckhart


Stand the pain. Escape
the poison of your im-
pulses. The sky will bow
to your beauty, if you do.

Jalaluddin Rumi

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Full Of Faith.....

A man of faith, absorbed
in faith, his senses
controlled, attains
knowledge, and,
knowledge attained,
quickly finds supreme
peace. But the ignorant
man, who is without
faith, goes doubting to
destruction. For the
doubting self there is
neither this world, nor
the next, nor joy.

Bhagavad Gita 4: 39-40


Through faith man finds
the Door of Liberation:
Even his relatives are
liberated through him.
Through faith are
both Preceptor and
disciple liberated.
Says Nanak, One with faith
Need not wander about
begging for divine grace.
The great, immaculate
Name of God
May only be realised
by one
Whose mind is firmly
fixed in faith.



By faith you shall be free
and go beyond the
world of death.

Sutta Nipata 11.46

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A childs Angel

Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. So one day he asked God:

They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless? Among the many angels, I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you.

But tell me, here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but sing and smile, that's enough for me to be happy. Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you everyday. And you will feel your angel's love and be happy.

And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, if I don't know the language that men talk? Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.

And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you? Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray. I've heard that on earth there are bad men. Who will protect me? Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life.

But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore. Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way for you to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you.

At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard, and the child in a hurry asked softly:

Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel's name Your angel's name is of no importance, you will call your angel:


Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You


Mindfulness should be the most natural thing in the world-without any unnecessary strain or effort. But for us, habitually unmindful beings, being mindful might be a daunting task. The more unmindful we become, the more habitual it becomes, and attaining mindfulness soon feels near impossible. How scary! Let's all guard our minds more carefully from now on.

I was walking to the subway station in the near noon sun. I remembered my promise to myself to be as mindful as I could the whole day. The sun felt hot. I caught myself screwing up my face, frowning in its glare. This, I realise, only when I realised I was having mild dizziness. The mindfulness came this "late." Suddenly, I wasn't sure whether it was the heat of the sun that made me dizzy or that it was me feeling contempt for the sun that made me dizzy. Funny. I think the latter that is true. The sun meant no harm. It was me to be blame ultimately. I should have experienced the heat mindfully without attachment-that's all-no need to grumble about it inside.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Dont Save The Best For Last

I realized a couple of years ago that I often "save the best for last".

It started with little things - I'd use the crumpled facial tissue or paper towel before grabbing the crisp new one next to it, or I'd save the best bite of food on my plate until I reached the end of my meal. Something told me at the time that it was symbolic of other areas in my life where I was settling for less in hopes of a better thing "later" - always "later".

I made a mental note of it, to remember to use the "good" thing first, but I wasn't committed to the exercise and soon was back to my old ways.
Lately, I've realized that this way of doing things really is symbolic of a behavior I'd like to change.

It all started with perfume.
I had purchased a few perfume oils that I really liked a lot. Two were Indian scents - strong, floral, perfume-y, and rollerball, I just loved them. I started wearing the one I liked the least on a daily basis (why did I do that?), then when that one was finished, I used the one I liked more. I had also purchased two other oils, one which it turned out my Main Squeeze liked a lot, but I didn't like that much, so I only wore it on our outings or other special occasions.

Lastly, there was "Beautiful", a copycat of two of my favorite Estee Lauder scents "Beautiful" and "Knowing". The "Beautiful" fragrance oil was by far my favorite scent, and because it was, I chose to save it for extra special occasions.

But in recent weeks, I decided I didn't always want to be looking forward to some brighter future while suffering in a difficult present, and I connected to my continued "saving the best for last" to my challenge. I decided to use the best first.

I began with, well everything. If I pulled out a bunch of crumpled, yet clean tissues from my purse or backpack, I would still go out of my way to use the clean and folded napkins or tissues inches away. From my collection of scented body lotions and creams, I began using the pricier, more fragrant, "special" stuff.

Maya Angelou says she always eats dinner on her finest china and silverware. Now I know why. When you use the best for yourself, even when you're by yourself, you're saying "I'm worth it."

When you don't save the best for last, when you use the best first, you're creating space for even better to come into your life.

This is what I learned when I started using "Beautiful". I made it my everyday scent, and here's what happened:

First, I felt very special. I felt rich, like Oprah, wise, like Maya Angelou, and glamorous like Miss Piggy and Mae West!
Secondly, I noticed that as I used the oil, I realized I would at some point need to replace it.
And then I had the thought, "I wonder what he (the perfume shop owner) has that's even better than this and in my price range?"
After that, I thought, "Or by then I'll probably have much more money and will be able to choose from many more options in his store!"
And after that, "Or maybe by then I'll be able to afford and actual bottle of Estee Lauder's 'Beautiful'!"
And lastly, I recalled that a friend of mine had recently been window shopping at Macy's and I'd discovered another Estee fragrance I liked a lot, Azuree. My friend teased me because it was so strong and perfumey- like Indian incense, which I liked a lot, but which is totally not her style.

When I was at Macy's smelling Azuree I knew I would sometime soon have it, even though it wasn't in my budget at the time. And as long as I was using my least favorite fragrances, I wasn't really thinking much about Azuree - certainly not enough to WoManifest it into my existence and enjoyment.

By putting "Beautiful" to use - enjoying the best first, space was immediately created to be filled - in this case, space that previously had held the best.

You see, when you use up the best, you automatically make room for a new and better "best" to come into your life.

So now I exercise this new theory often.

Is there a down side? Sure, there is. I feel a sense of loss and sadness using the best first because then I no longer have anything in my immediate future to look forward to.
Whenever I'm eating now, and there's that delicious bite on my plate, and I decide I'm going to eat it first, I'm sad because I no longer have that bite to look forward to anymore. But I do it because it's a good exercise. It's a metaphor for other areas in my life where I no longer want to be longing for improvement or something better.

I invite you to partake of this experiment and experience with me.

If you have "nice" or "good" china or silverware, take it out and use it yourself, use it now. You'll find that sometime in the near future you'll want to replace them with even better china and silverware, and when you have acquired those, use them first, too, and so on. Think of Maya!

When you're eating, enjoy the finest part of the meal first. Don't wait until the end.

If you have three kinds of shampoo, one "every day" kind and one "special occasions" one, use the "special occasions" or fancy one first. See how you feel using fancy shampoo every single day, even just to go grocery shopping.

Why should you only take out the best of anything for "company" (your guests), your job/employer, or a date? Are any of those human beings worth more than you? Absolutely not. And more importantly, they probably won't care or notice that your hair is more fragrant or your skin is softer than on another day. They won't go home and shriek with delight how impressed they were at your glimmering dishware, and if they do, that says something about their personal values and priorities, which likely don't match yours, or you probably wouldn't be reading this article!

Don't let your lover be the only one who sees you in sexy underwear. Wear sexy underwear for yourself, first! Maybe no one else will know what you have on underneath, but you will, and you'll feel better for it - more confident, and more worthy because you took the time and effort to put it on for yourself - not for anyone else.

Think of Oprah Winfrey. She has the finest things, and uses them for herself. And I believe that's why she continues to WoManifest even more things and more money to have more things, because she actually uses them for herself, and not only for others. It's important to use your resources to make the world a better place, but it's no good to put yourself lower, as second class citizen. Spirit didn't make you any less worthy and the world doesn't do any better by anyone's misguided so-called sacrifice. We are All One, and that means you're worth every bit of good you want to do "for" others.

Now, you may ask about recycling and overconsumption of products. Doesn't using the best and then creating more new "bests" just overcrowd landfills and create waste? It doesn't have to, and that's a very valid concern. In fact, this is one story I would tell myself when I was resisting using the best first.

I thought it was good to use the soap til it's a speck o' nothing, while I left the fancy one in the box to be opened and displayed for, and used by, guests only.

Then I realized there were no exceptions to my "Use the Best First" exercise. I had to go through the motions until I learned all there was to know about this issue.
And what I learned is this - we can always adjust. The world will not be harmed by your giving yourself the best.

I still save soap scraps - I just use them to wash my hands on a daily basis, while I use the fancy soap in the shower. And I enjoy this - that's what counts - to do what you enjoy while using the best. You can still have your values. You can still recycle.

Someday, I plan to have a system of putting all my small pieces of used soap in a mitt-like contraption so that lots of bits of soap can be used at once. I can also, if I wish, or when I'm ready, boil it in water with a little bit of borax to make liquid soap. My schedule is too busy these days to do that, but I do think about it. And so can you make similar adjustments as you use the best first!

Enjoy the best now. Know what it feels like to create space for even more and even better in your life. You may be pleasantly surprised by what you discover about yourself while you consider and enjoy being worthy of the best. Why? Because your soul knows you're worth the best, and not later, but now!

"Don't Save the Best for Last" by Cassendre Xavier. (c) Copyright 2010 by Cassendre Xavier. All rights reserved. Visit for more information.

Lovely Messages For Lovely People Just Like You........

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Forgive and Say Thanks Yourself and to GOD.....

From stuffed turkeys to full tummies, we celebrate Thanksgiving by immersing ourselves in the moment. We enjoy ourselves by coming together and sharing our food and memories. We reflect on our country, our faith and our family. The day-long – and sometimes week-long – preparation of one meal, testifies to the significance of the day. Along with our gratitude, Thanksgiving offers us a time to express forgiveness, as well as thanks.

Good Times

When we look back over the year, or the decade, or the course of our lives, we quickly recognize our gifts and happiness. When sharing with those we love, we recall times of joy such as births and weddings and other rites of passage. And for those, we sincerely give thanks. Remembering difficult situations transforming into positive opportunities, we take particular joy in celebrating the gifts of Spirit for bringing in the highest and best for our life. That’s the easy part.


Often, we require life’s harshest lessons to learn and grow. Gentle teachers guide and direct us, but the difficult headmaster provides the most opportunity for progress. Immersed in a challenge, we experience a variety of emotions ranging from anger, to fear, frustration and anxiety. Then, when we triumphantly emerge from the struggle, like a mother giving birth, we forget the pain and rejoice in the joy of the outcome. And sometimes, we hold grudges against the very things that we strived to overcome, which taught us the most. The joy of forgiveness goes hand in hand with gratitude.


Forgiveness definitions vary from a simple letting go, to a more complex cautious dismissal. We accept apologies when offered, and interpret this as forgiveness. By that interpretation, we can never forgive someone who fails to apologize. Another conundrum appears if the object of our forgiveness isn’t a person (its a circumstance or situation), or the person is no longer living. We then claim to suffer from the malaise of “not having closure.” Since most of us don’t really know what forgiveness is, we conveniently make excuses to not forgive at all, simply because we don’t know what it looks like in our world. We create our destiny of carrying around resentment and anger the remainder of our lives.

Who benefits?

The starkest contrast between forgiveness and gratitude, not surprisingly, resides within us. In gratitude, we experience peace of mind, a sense of honor and satisfaction, wrapped in the recognition of Spirit’s blessing in our lives. Not only do we lovingly embrace the things for which we are thankful, those around us absorb our positive energy and grow inspired to consider their own reasons for gratitude. In short, an “attitude of gratitude” affects more than one person.

In holding grudges, anger, or resentment, we mostly affect ourselves. Many times the subject of our disdain continues on his or her course blissfully unaware of our feelings, or worse, appears apathetic. In such cases, we hold the negativity all to ourselves. We alone experience all the anxiety and physical ill-being brought about by our feelings. Alternatively, the person we need to forgive the most awaits our forgiveness. He or she harbors feelings of inadequacy or sorrow that we cannot seem to release and let them go. Now, you affect that person, too, and cause untold hardship on his or her well-being. In short, nobody benefits from unforgiveness.

Letting go / Surrender

The true but overused phrase, “Let Go, Let God,” serves us well. Releasing anger, fear, resentment not only frees you, but other, too. By doing so, we acknowledge our inability to control the situation, and give up the struggle. That’s all it is, really, just struggle for control. And the negativity takes its toll on you, in fact, its killing you. So, if you give up trying to control everything around you, even the people in your life, the struggle falls away along with it. Everyone is free to explore the doors of opportunity for gratitude in all areas of life.

Today, give thanks for life’s harshest lessons for bringing you to the present moment. Thank people whom you feel wronged you in any way, for they are Spirit’s special messengers for self-reflection. Put what happened to you in the past and leave it where it belongs. Appreciate all that you’ve overcome which enriched you, educated you and strengthened you. Rejoice in your new well-being, and the Universe will support you in amazing ways.

And most of all, thank God for your incredible capacity to love.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Story of Faith ..A Story of Krishna

There was a king named Jayamal. Jayamal had intense faith in Lord Krishna. He never missed a single day spending in devotion and rituals performed through love towards his deity Shyamsundar (Black beauty). He worshiped Lord Krishna as Shyamsunder.

Although a king, with many duties towards the kingdom and the people of his kingdom. His faith was great. He spent the time in devotion and worship from early morning till midday. He would not leave the sacred shrine, where he spent the time in devotion, even if it meant losing his kingdom and all the wealth.

There are always people taking the devotion towards God as a weakness. So knowing that the king spends half the earlier day in devotion, a neighboring king decided to attack his kingdom in the early hours of the day and capture it the easy way. It was an easy meal for him. Thus, one early morning, an attack was made on king Jayamal's kingdom. All with the bright hopes of acquiring a new kingdom.

The soldier's of Jayamal had no other option but to watch the enemy soldiers surround the kingdom with ease. They could not fight without their king's order.

The news of the arrival of the enemy troops reached the mother of King Jayamal. She rushed to the king and asked him to take immediate steps. To go and fight the battle. Jayamal the devotee was unperturbed. Bursting with faith he said , "Why should I worry if Shyamsunder decided to take back the kingdom He gave me?". "On the other hand if He does not want the kingdom to be loosed, nothing on the earth can take it away."

Outside the temple, Shyamsunder took the horse of the king from the stable. Riding the horse and fully armed, He single handed attacked the enemy troops. There was no way the enemies could compete the blue warrior. Except the leader all were reduced to corpses. Shyamsunder after doing what had to be done, rode back to the temple where the king used to pray, tied the horse to the tree and vanished.

The king after the worship came out. He was a little down on leaving the temple, he thought Shyamsunder must have decided that he should no longer hold the kingdom. He sees his horse panting with heavy breath, tied under the tree, right outside the temple. "Who has been riding my horse and brought it here?" he demanded. "How can anybody even think of sitting on my cherished horse leave aside riding him?"

None of the officers of the king had the answer. They were all unaware of what had happened. Nevertheless the king in the pensive mood rode his horse and galloped along with the little army towards the battle field. There was no time for any investigation.

On reaching the battlefield he saw the entire enemy troop, but the leader, dead.The leader, the sole survivor, felt at his feet. He said, "I am so sorry to attack you, sir." "You have a warrior no one on earth can defeat." "Please tell me a little more about your blue warrior, your friend." "He has cast a spell on my heart and soul."

The king realized that it was Shyamsunder who rode his horse and cleared the enemies army. The enemy king realized it too and worshiped and begged Jaymal for acquiring the grace of his God. The attraction of wealth and kingdom was no more in his system. With Jayamals blessings he too received the grace of Shyamsunder, the chitchor, the divine Krishna.
Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Karma and Spirituality

Two friends were on the way. As they were moving across the nasty place filled with prostitutes, one of them had a desire to spend a night indulging himself in physical pleasure. The other one was given this idea to which he denied, and told his friend not do so.

They both parted, one going with a prostitute, the other with anger and resentment in his mind, decided to visit a temple and read a holy scripture. Along the way thoughts of comparison and how lowly his friend was dominated his mind.

The first one, as he moved with the prostitute began to have resentment on what he was doing. His mind was engrossed in how great his friend was, who decided to visit the temple and read a spiritual book. He was greatly started t miss that.

The other with the religious book in his hand and siting in the temple, was engrossed in the thought of his lowly friend.

An earthquake struck claiming many lives, both the friends included.

The officers from heaven and hell were busy with their work. The first one was taken by the officers of heaven, and could see at distance his friend being ruthlessly driven by the officers from hell.

'There must be some mistake', he said, 'According to what we were doing I deserve to be there and that friend of mine deserves to be graciously led by you to the heaven.'

'We are following the orders, and there is no mistake,' the officer from the heaven said.

The first one demanded and explanation for what had happened in the heaven. 'Your mind was engrossed in how your great your friend was, and was on the temple and sacred text, while your friend's mind was dwelling in how lowly the other was filled with deep resentment.' came the answer.

'Thinking of others as low and self higher is the door to hell.' the voice continued

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Heart Warmer.....

Bobby was getting cold sitting out in his back yard in the snow. Bobby didn't wear boots; he didn't like them and anyway he didn't own any. The thin sneakers he wore had a few holes in them and they did a poor job of keeping out the cold.

Bobby had been in his backyard for about an hour already. Try as he might, he could not come up with an idea for his mother's Christmas gift. He shook his head as he thought, "This is useless, even if I do come up with an idea, I don't have any money to spend."

Ever since his father had passed away three years ago, the family of five had struggled. It wasn't because his mother didn't care, or try, there just never seemed to be enough. She worked nights at the hospital, but the small wage that she was earning could only be stretched so far.

What the family lacked in money and material things, they more than made up for in love and family unity. Bobby had two older and one younger sister, who ran the household in their mother's absence. All three of his sisters had already made beautiful gifts for their mother. Somehow it just wasn't fair. Here it was Christmas Eve already, and he had nothing.

Wiping a tear from his eye, Bobby kicked the snow and started to walk down to the street where the shops and stores were. It wasn't easy being six without a father, especially when he needed a man to talk to.

Bobby walked from shop to shop, looking into each decorated window. Everything seemed so beautiful and so out of reach. It was starting to get dark and Bobby reluctantly turned to walk home when suddenly his eyes caught the glimmer of the setting sun's rays reflecting off of something along the curb. He reached down and discovered a shiny dime.

Never before has anyone felt as wealthy as Bobby felt at that moment. As he held his new found treasure, warmth spread throughout his entire body and he walked into the first store he saw. His excitement quickly turned cold when salesperson after salesperson told him that he could not buy anything with only a dime.

He saw a flower shop and went inside to wait in line. When the shop owner asked if he could help him, Bobby presented the dime and asked if he could buy one flower for his mother's Christmas gift. The shop owner looked at Bobby and his ten cent offering. Then he put his hand on Bobby's shoulder and said to him, "You just wait here and I'll see what I can do for you."

As Bobby waited, he looked at the beautiful flowers and even though he was a boy, he could see why mothers and girls liked flowers.

The sound of the door closing as the last customer left, it jolted Bobby back to reality. All alone in the shop, Bobby began to feel alone and afraid.

Suddenly the shop owner came out and moved to the counter. There, before Bobby's eyes, lay twelve long stem, red roses, with leaves of green and tiny white flowers all tied together with a big silver bow. Bobby's heart sank as the owner picked them up and placed them gently into a long white box.

"That will be ten cents young man." the shop owner said reaching out his hand for the dime. Slowly, Bobby moved his hand to give the man his dime. Could this be true? No one else would give him a thing for his dime! Sensing the boy's reluctance, the shop owner added, "I just happened to have some roses on sale for ten cents a dozen. Would you like them?"

This time Bobby did not hesitate, and when the man placed the long box into his hands, he knew it was true. Walking out the door that the owner was holding for Bobby, he heard the shop keeper say, "Merry Christmas, son."

As he returned inside, the shop keeper’s wife walked out. "Who were you talking to back there and where are the roses you were fixing?"

Staring out the window, and blinking the tears from his own eyes, he replied, "A strange thing happened to me this morning. While I was setting up things to open the shop, I thought I heard a voice telling me to set aside a dozen of my best roses for a special gift. I wasn't sure at the time whether I had lost my mind or what, but I set them aside anyway. Then just a few minutes ago, a little boy came into the shop and wanted to buy a flower for his mother with one small dime.

When I looked at him, I saw myself, many years ago. I too was a poor boy with nothing to buy my mother a Christmas gift. A bearded man, whom I never knew, stopped me on the street and told me that he wanted to give me ten dollars.

When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew who that voice was, and I put together a dozen of my very best roses."

The shop owner and his wife hugged each other tightly, and as they stepped out into the bitter cold air, they somehow didn't feel cold at all but their heart warmer.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Love Quotes for the day.....

Love has its own instinct. It knows how to find the road to the heart just as the weakest insect moves towards its flower by an irresistible which will fear nothing.
- Honore De Balzac.

Love quotes of the day will have daily quotes on love , collected from all over just to remind how important love is in our life.....Hope you would like them.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Going with the Flow...

A Taoist story tells of an old man who accidentally fell into the river rapids leading to a high and dangerous waterfall. Onlookers feared for his life. Miraculously, he came out alive and unharmed downstream at the bottom of the falls. People asked him how he managed to survive. "I accommodated myself to the water, not the water to me. Without thinking, I allowed myself to be shaped by it. Plunging into the swirl, I came out with the swirl. This is how I survived."

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Being Useless..............

Lao Tzu was traveling with his disciples and they came to a forest where hundreds of woodcutters were cutting the trees. The whole forest had been cut except for one big tree with thousands of branches. It was so big that 10,000 persons could sit in its shade. Lao Tzu asked his disciples to go and inquire why this tree had not been cut. They went and asked the woodcutter and they said, “This tree is absolutely useless. You cannot make anything out of it because every branch has so many knots in it—nothing is straight. You cannot use it as fuel because the smoke is dangerous to the eyes. This tree is absolutely useless; that’s why we haven’t cut it.” The disciples came back and told Lao Tzu. He laughed, “Be like this tree. If you are useful you will be cut and you will become furniture in somebody’s house. If you are beautiful you will be sold in the market, you will become a commodity. Be like this tree, absolutely useless, and then you will grow big and vast and thousands of people will find shade under you.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

The Stone Cutter

There was once a stone cutter who was dissatisfied with himself and with his position in life.

One day he passed a wealthy merchant's house. Through the open gateway, he saw many fine possessions and important visitors. "How powerful that merchant must be!" thought the stone cutter. He became very envious and wished that he could be like the merchant. To his great surprise, he suddenly became the merchant, enjoying more luxuries and power than he had ever imagined, but envied and detested by those less wealthy than himself.

Soon a high official passed by, carried in a sedan chair, accompanied by attendants and escorted by soldiers beating gongs. Everyone, no matter how wealthy, had to bow low before the procession. "How powerful that official is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be a high official!" Then he became the high official, carried everywhere in his embroidered sedan chair, feared and hated by the people all around.

It was a hot summer day, so the official felt very uncomfortable in the sticky sedan chair. He looked up at the sun. It shone proudly in the sky, unaffected by his presence. "How powerful the sun is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be the sun!"

Then he became the sun, shining fiercely down on everyone, scorching the fields, cursed by the farmers and laborers. But a huge black cloud moved between him and the earth, so that his light could no longer shine on everything below. "How powerful that storm cloud is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be a cloud!"

Then he became the cloud, flooding the fields and villages, shouted at by everyone. But soon he found that he was being pushed away by some great force, and realized that it was the wind. "How powerful it is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be the wind!"

Then he became the wind, blowing tiles off the roofs of houses, uprooting trees, feared and hated by all below him. But after a while, he ran up against something that would not move, no matter how forcefully he blew against it - a huge, towering rock. "How powerful that rock is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be a rock!"

Then he became the rock, more powerful than anything else on earth. But as he stood there, he heard the sound of a hammer pounding a chisel into the hard surface, and felt himself being changed. "What could be more powerful than I, the rock?" he thought. He looked down and saw far below him the figure of a stone cutter.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

I Am Nothing.....

In the days of the small kingdoms there was an occasion for celebration.

The king and the ministers andall the important people were supposed to get together. So all the people there had been shown their places accordingto the hierarchy.

There was a throne for the king. The chief minister was waiting for the king to arrive, and the ceremony to begin. Suddenly, in walks a Sufi mystic dressed in ragged clothes. He walks straight to the throne and sits down, to the horror of the chief minister.

The minister says, ’What do you think you are doing?’

The Sufi says, ‘I am just sitting here.’

So the minister says, ‘You aren’t even the chief minister” because I am the chief minister.’

So the Sufi said, ‘I am more than the chief minister.'

The minister asked, ‘Are you the king?’

The Sufi replied, ‘No, I’m not the king. I’m more than that.’

The minister asked, ‘Are you the emperor?’

The Sufi said, ‘I’mnot the emperor. I’m more than that. ’

So the minister said,‘Are you the prophet?”

"No, I’m not the prophet. I’m more than that.’

Finally, exasperated, the chief minister said,

‘Are you God?’

The Sufi replied, ‘No, I’m not God. I’m morethan that.’

The minister, horrified, said, ‘But more than God means there is nothing!’

The Sufi said, ’You are right. I am That nothing.’”

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Worse than a Clown

Worse than a Clown

There was a young monk in China who was a very serious practitioner of the Dharma. Once, this monk came across something he did not understand, so he went to ask the master. When the master heard the question, he kept laughing.

The master then stood up and walked away, still laughing. The young monk was very disturbed by the master's reaction. For the next 3 days, he could not eat, sleep nor think properly. At the end of 3 days, he went back to the master and told the master how disturbed he had felt.

When the master heard this, he said, "Monk, do u know what your problem is? Your problem is that YOU ARE WORSE THAN A CLOWN!" The monk was shocked to hear that, "Venerable Sir, how can you say such a thing?! How can I be worse than a clown?"

The master explained, "A clown enjoys seeing people laugh. You? You feel disturbed because another person laughed. Tell me, are u not worse than a clown?" When the monk heard this, he began to laugh. He was enlightened ..........

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Monday, September 20, 2010


Patience Pays

Be patient (in adversity);
for, verily, God will not
let the reward of the
righteous be wasted.

Quran, 11.115


Have patience with all
things, but chiefly have pa-
tience with yourself. Do not
lose courage in considering
your own imperfections,
but instantly set about
remedying them every
day begins the task anew.

Saint Francis De Sales


We cannot learn real pa-
tience and tolerance from
a guru or a friend. They
can be practised only
when we come in contact
with someone who creates
unpleasant experiences.

The Dalai Lama XIV


With time and patience
the mulberry leaf
becomes a silk gown.

Chinese Proverb


Learn the art of patience.
Apply discipline to your
thoughts when they
become anxious over the
outcome of a goal. Impa-
tience breeds anxiety, fear,
discouragement and fail-
ure. Patience creates confi-
dence, decisiveness and a
rational outlook, which
eventually leads to success.

Brian Adams

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Your Mirror...........

The good you find in others, is in you too.
The faults you find in others, are your faults as well.
After all, to recognize something you must know it.

The possibilities you see in others, are possible for you as well. The beauty you see around you, is your beauty. The world around you is a reflection, a mirror showing you the person you are.

To change your world, you must change yourself. To blame and complain will only make matters worse. Whatever you care about, is your responsibility. What you see in others, shows you yourself.

See the best in others, and you will be your best. Give to others, and you give to yourself. Appreciate beauty, and you will be beautiful. Admire creativity, and you will be creative.

Love, and you will be loved. Seek to understand, and you will be understood. Listen, and your voice will be heard. Teach, and you will learn.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Help Who Seeks Your Shelter

Once there was a discussion going on in Indra's (head of heavenly angels) court. One of the demi-gods said that there are brave and merciful kings on Earth who would not hesitate laying down their own lives to protect those who come to them for a shelter. Another demi-god doubted his statement. The two began to argue and so Indra intervened by asking them to go to the Earth and see for themselves. The two demi-gods made a plan of action. One of them decided to take the form of a pigeon, and the other took the form of a hawk.

On the Earth, King Meghrath was sitting in his court surrounded by his courtiers. At that time a pigeon flew in through an open window and started circling inside the hall. To the king's surprise, it landed on his lap. The king realized that the pigeon had come there out of fear.

At that very instant, a hawk flew into the king’s court too. He said to the king, "This pigeon is my prey." The king was struck with a wonder to hear a bird speak. However, he replied, "It is true that this pigeon is your prey, but I can give you some other food."

He ordered his servants to bring a basket of sweets. But the hawk said, "I am not a human being. I am not vegetarian. I need the flesh for my food."

The king said, "Let me give you my own flesh instead of this pigeon’s flesh." Upon hearing this, one of the courtiers said, "Your Majesty, why should you give your own flesh? Let’s get the flesh from a butcher's shop."

The king replied, "No, because just as a confectioner's business thrives when we consume sweets, a butcher's trade flourishes when we use up meat. The butcher may have to kill another animal in order to supply us the meat. This pigeon has sought refuge and it is my duty to protect it. At the same time, it is my duty to see that no one else is harmed in this process. Therefore, I will give my own flesh to the hawk."

With these words, he took out his dagger and cut off a piece of flesh from his thigh and offered that to the hawk. The whole court was stunned. But the hawk said to the king, "Oh, king! I want the same amount of flesh as the pigeon."

So, a weighing scale was brought to the court. The king put the pigeon on one side and a piece of his own flesh on the other. The king kept putting more and more of his flesh on the scale, but was still not enough. Finally the king was getting ready to put his whole body on the scale. The court filled with the murmur that the king was giving his own life for an insignificant bird. But the king considered it his duty and religion to be above everything else. He sat on the side opposite to the pigeon in the scale, closed his eyes, and began meditating in the peace.

As soon as the king entered into the meditation, the pigeon and the hawk assumed their original divine form. Both demi-gods bowed to the king and said, "Oh great king! you are blessed. We are convinced that you are a brave and merciful man."

With these words, they praised and saluted the king again and left. The whole court resounded with the joyous words, "Long live the King Meghrath."

Later on, the soul of King Meghrath became the sixteenth Tirthankar, Shäntinäth.

A merciful person is someone who is not only influenced by seeing the misery and suffering of others, but goes a step further and attempts to alleviate the pain. He gives financial aid to those who are poverty-stricken and gives food to those who are hungry and needy. A merciful person would not harm others to promote himself but on the contrary, would sacrifice even his own life to save the lives of the others.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Choose Comapssion as Budha Does.........

When Gautama, the Buddha,was a young boy, he saw a bird fallen to the ground. Seeing it was
still alive, Gautama ran forward, picked it up and nursed it. His cousin, Devadatta, who had shot
it down, insisted that it be given to him.

Gautama refused, saying he was nursing it of its wounds and requested that he be allowed to do so. Devadatta did not agree and the matter was taken to the Rajguru (priest) and the king.
“Who does the bird belong to, the one who tried to kill it or the one who saved it?” asked Gautama. The king and the guru agreed that it belonged to the person who saved it.
As the king was Gautama’s father, Gautama requested that all the people answer this question
so that the verdict would be unbiased.
Devadatta tried to argue that the hunter owned his prey, while Gautama convinced the people that compassion was a greater value than violence.

Don’t you agree?
Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Learn the Way Of Gandhi...Gandhigiri

Steps to Gandhigiri

Gandhi was not born a mahatma. The struggles, apprehensions and even setbacks and failures on his spiritual journey are a strong reminder to all of us that we can aspire to raise ourselves to such a level.
"Be the change you want to see," he said and we can be so, if only we try. Gandhi's ecommended 11 vows for the individual are surely the first step on this journey.

  • Ahimsa (non violence) Do not shout back at the next person who abuses you. If faced with an unjust action, state your case calmly without resorting to jibes or personalised statements. Our words and actions are potent tools that can cause immense agony or create and spread love.When we refuse to allow violence to reside in us, even in thought, our soul shall indeed bloom, unfettered by negativity.

  • Satya (truth) Try telling the truth next time you refuse an invitation, are too busy to call somebody, or need to remain absent from office.The results may surprise you and eventually, life will get simpler and uncomplicated.

  • Asteya (non-stealing) Next time you are tempted to slip into the train without a ticket, stop yourself. Remember that travelling without a valid ticket, not paying taxes, making claims on false bills, are as morally incorrect as picking someone's pocket.

  • Brahmacharya (discipline) Switch off the television while eating dinner or when you need to sleep. Do not indulge in splurging or binging. He who revels in Brahman is the Sanskrit etymology of this term and naturally such a person is in full control of his senses. The
    choice of whether we make our senses our masters or slaves entirely depends on us.
    Aparigraha (non-possession) Today, the market is constantly offering new products and gizmos. Do we, however, need any of this? Truly, multiplication of wants is one of the malaises of the times we live in and this principle is more relevant than ever to retain our sanity, if nothing else.

  • Shareera shrama (physical labour) The contribution of physical labour in keeping the ego under check and fostering humility has been emphasised by many masters, over the years. Even if the nature of your job is not oriented in this direction, you could take up an activity that involves physical exertion and is productive; for instance, cultivating a kitchen garden, volunteering at a local charity, cooking up a community meal.

  • Aswada (control of the palate) Eat to nourish your body, not to please your tongue.This will pay off rich dividends in making you calmer, fitter, healthier and happier.

  • Sarvatra bhaya varjana (fearlessness) Be truthful and fearless in expressing your opinion, without worrying if the next pink slip could be yours, or that you will miss the bus if you don't toe the line. Similarly, even in your personal relationships, do not allow fear and insecurity to restrict you from taking the correct action. This will do wonders for your self-esteem and the ultimate victory will be yours.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Friday, September 17, 2010

May God Bless you

May God bless you with discomfort at
easy answers, half truths, superficial
relationships, so that you will live deep
within your heart.

May God bless you with anger at injustice,
oppression and exploitation of people
so that you will work for justice,
equality and peace.

May God bless you with tears to shed for
those who suffer from pain, rejection,
starvation and war, so that you will reach
out your hand to comfort them and
change their pain into joy.

And may God bless you with the foolishness
to think that you can make a difference in
the world, so that you will do the things
which others tell you cannot be done.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Namaste.....The Story Behind.....

The boy was waiting with his little sister for their mother. Their mother had asked them to wait at the entrance to the temple while she went to finish some shopping.
It seemed ages since she went.Whatever could have happened? Thankfully, his sister went off to sleep on the steps; otherwise she could have become very cranky. They had come to Srirangam, their hometown, for Grandpa’s 60th birthday which was to be celebrated in a grand
way. His father, cousins and other relatives were to arrive after a couple of days. It was pretty boring here – he should have come with his father, he thought.
He sat down near the steps beside his sister and waited impatiently. “What are you doing here?” a man asked sternly. “Just waiting,” answered the boy, a little nervously.
Another man passing by said,“Come on, relax. He is not doing any harm.” Then, turning towards the boy, he asked “Are you waiting for someone? You look a bit worried.” The man was tall and muscular. He was wearing a long kurta and churidar. The boy noticed he had put on very unusual slippers. The slippers were wooden with just a button-like projection to hold the toes. The boy remembered seeing such slippers somewhere, but could not recollect exactly where.
“I’m waiting for my mother, she went to a shop, asking me to wait here with my sister and said she would come back in ten minutes. It is now past half an hour,” the boy answered worriedly.
“These shops are sometimes very crowded. Don’t worry, she will soon be back. Till that time, I will wait with you,” the man said, and offered the boy some peanuts.The boy hesitated. He wasn’t sure whether he should accept these. “No, thank you,” he said. “Hello Ramprasad,”a person called out, and the man turned around and waved.
“Is your name Ramprasad?” the boy asked.
“Yes,” he smiled. “I am Ramprasad Sheikh;
and what is your name, young man?” “Siddharth Iyengar,” said the boy, pleased at being called “young man”.It suddenly struck Siddharth that the man’s name was very odd indeed.“What
an odd name, uncle, a Hindu first name with a Muslim surname!”he exclaimed. “Yes, it is odd, isn’t it? Well, there is a story associated with my life,” said Ramprasad.
“Do tell me,” said Siddharth Ramprasad smiled and began, “Tell me, have you heard of Gandhiji?”“Of course, Gandhiji is the father of our nation,” said Siddharth, recollecting where he had seen those types of slippers. “Hey, now I remember.The slippers you are wearing are just like Gandhiji’s. I saw this in a book,” he told Ramprasad. “Good observation. Gandhiji had very
few belongings. One of them were these kind of slippers. My father was with Gandhiji when he went to Kolkata after our country was divided into India and Pakistan.Hindus and Muslims were fighting with each other.
A Hindu man came to Gandhiji and asked, ‘You expect me to forgive the Muslims.My little boy has been killed by Muslims.Do you expect me to forget that? How do I forget my pain?’“Gandhiji said to him, ‘If you really wish to overcome your pain, find a young boy, just as young as your son was, a Muslim boy whose parents have been killed by Hindu mobs.Bring up that boy
like your own son, but bring him up as a Muslim like his parents. Only then will you find that you can heal your pain, your anger, and your longing for retribution.’ “You see, Gandhiji knew that it was not any religion which was bad, but it was the evil in people which was bad. “My father was a great admirer of Gandhiji. He was thinking of adopting a child at that time as he was childless.
My father was deeply moved by Gandhiji’s advice to the Hindu man, and decided to adopt a Muslim child and raise him as a Muslim.”
Ramprasad paused for a while and then continued,“My original name was Iqbal Sheikh.My father stuck to his resolution to bring me up as a Muslim.He arranged for a tutor to teach me the
Quran, and I was made to recite my namaz without fail. “My mother was a wonderfully loving
person. She accepted me completely. She called me Ramprasad or a gift given by Lord Rama.
“Naturally, I was part of the Hindu pujas at home.My mother used to sing melodious bhajans, and told me many wonderful stories from the Ramayana and Mahabharata.
“I really consider myself a Hindu and a Muslim.When I am required to fill in my religion in certain forms, I fill it as Hindu and Muslim,” said Ramprasad. “It must be hard, being both a Hindu and a Muslim?” Siddharth said, fascinated by his story.
“There is no problem in following both the faiths.But I have had to answer,‘Who am I?’ all through my life. You see, people want to classify everyone; on the basis of the language they happen to speak, the colour of their skin and in their minds, the most important one, their religion. As I defy the normally accepted rules of this classification, most people have been uncomfortable with my name. It wasfrustrating to be viewed as an object of curiosity all the time.At one stage, I wanted to change back my name to either fully Muslim or fully Hindu ,”Ramprasad said, and became a bit pensive. “And…?” Siddharth prompted.
”I still remember the day I told my parents about it. Both of them became very quiet when I told them I was not too happy as Ramprasad Sheikh. “My mother said, ‘Do what your heart tells you,my son. To me, you will be my Ramprasad.No one can stop me from calling you that.’
“My father said, ‘Ramprasad, we in India greet everyone with a namaste. Do you know what it means?’ I did not know then. “My father explained that ‘Namaste’ means, the God in me welcomes the God in you.” “Such a small word means so much?”
Siddharth asked, astonished.
“Yes, it is funny how the words we use most frequently are the ones least understood,”continued Ramprasad. “My father said,‘In India,we believe that there is God in each of us, and all religions are equally respected. That is the tradition of this land, the heritage that we have inherited. You and your name are symbolic of this India. Do you have the courage to carry that on your shoulder ,or will you change your name because some people are confused about it?’”“So, you decided to stick to Ramprasad Sheikh?” Siddharth prompted, again. “Yes, my father’s words hit home.Now, I am travelling through India, discovering her in my own way.“In doing so, I have realised that, in our country, it was the act of worship that was considered sacred. Who or how, one chose to worship never mattered. A classic example of this is right here, in Srirangam. There is a goddess here, Thullukka Nachiyar, have you heard of her?” asked Ramprasad. “No, but the name sounds as interesting as yours – Thulluka means Muslim, and Nachiyar, (Hindu) goddessin Tamil. I know that,” Srinivas replied.“Smart fellow. Naturally, her name being what it is, this Muslim-Hindu goddess is close to my heart!”
Siddharth’s sister got up. “Where is Amma?” she asked, rubbing her eyes.“She will come soon,” said Ramprasad and kneeled down. “What is your name, my child?” he asked her. “Suchitra,”she said.“Suchitra, would you like to know the story of a princess?” “Yes, I love stories,” she said “There once was a Muslim princess, whose father had taken away a Vishnu idol from the temple here.”“This temple?” Suchitra enquired, pointing to the dome. “Yes, this one,”Ramprasad confirmed. “Idol is something like a doll?” asked Suchitra “Yes, something like that.” “I guessed that – because idol sounds like a doll,” said Suchitra, happy that her guess was right. Ramprasad smiled and continued, “You are as smart as your brother. Now, the princess fell in love with the idol.Then the priests of the temple had a dream which told them where the idol was.They
came to take it away. The princess was very upset as she did not want to part with it, but she had to give it away as the priests wanted it back.The princess could not live without the idol and so, came here, to the temple of Srirangam and “disappeared” into the image of Lord Vishnu.
Since then, she is considered a great devotee and is worshipped here in this temple as Thullukka Nachiyar.” “Then I can see her?” Suchitra asked. “Of course,” replied Ramprasad. Almost immediately, the children’s mother arrived.“I am so sorry, I got lost in the maze of shops.Are you okay,” she asked the children. Both children replied at once. “Amma, this uncle was sitting and talking with us.He has told us so many interesting things,” said Siddharth. “Amma, let us go to see Thullukka Nachiyar,” said Suchitra. “Wait. One at a time,” said the children’s mother.
She turned towards Ramprasad.
“Namaste,” said Ramprasad folding his hands and the children’s mother did the same.

Siddharth smiled.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

The Power of Giving...

One fine day, a Lady was walking with her usual smile switched on, and broadening at every passing face. She spotted an old couple on the other side of the road, dressed very well; especially the old gentlemen in India are always dressed in an Indian bandgala jacket, trousers and ubiquitous cap relative to the place .
This gentleman too was dressed similarly. She beamed a smile at the couple, and the old man smiled back; a toothless grin.
There was something very sweet about his smiling countenance.
It warmed my heart. Suddenly, this man signalled her to cross over to his side of the road. She smiled and obeyed.He seemed to hesitate while speaking. She guessed that he needed some help. At close quarters, his clothes looked worn out.His wife too was looking at her with some apprehension in her eyes.
The old man asked, “Why did you smile at us?” She was taken aback by this question, and replied gingerly, “I am God’s child, and so are you.
God’s children must greet each other. I felt happy to see you, so I smiled.”He seemed satisfied
with her answer and added, “You are a good woman.Would you help us?”
She said, “Sure.What can I do for you?”
Her positivity encouraged him.He said, “We have come from Chandanpur (A village in India) , to meet a Govt official . Now our work is over and we need to return home. Unfortunately, I have lost my wallet, and we have no money to buy our return tickets. We haven’t even eaten anything since morning. If you can give us about hundred rupees, we shall be grateful.”
She didn’t even think twice before reaching out for her wallet. To her embarrassment She realised that She didn’t have a single hundred rupee note in her purse. Since there was no requirement for carrying any money on her daily commute, She had not checked her wallet in the morning. Sheepishly, She emptied her wallet, taking out all the notes and all the coins. By the cursory look that She took at the collection, She guessed that it would amount to about 90
rupees. She felt as though somehow She had let the old man down.With moist eyes she handed over all that money to him and said, “I am sorry that I do not have any more than this right now. Please forgive me.”The old man took the money with gratitude, and blessed me.His wife too beamed a toothy smile.

She walked on with a mixed bag of feelings. For a fleeting moment She wondered if it was a con story and She was duped. The embarrassment of moving around with almost an empty purse lingered on for a while.But predominantly there was a feeling of freedom. She loved the fact that
She didn’t hesitate before emptying out her little fortune. It was a great feeling. She had never done it before. She felt as though She had achieved some kind of liberation from attachment with money.

She reached home with a spring in her step. A real surprise awaited her at home.

As usual, She switched on her laptop and opened her mail. There was a mail from one of her colleagues at Metro City , informing her that the head of academics of her company head office in
Delhi had been enquiring about her.

She had thoughtfully sent her his contact number. She immediately dialled it. Lo and behold, She was being offered the opportunity to be part of a team, working on a new vertical of ‘communication enhancement’. It was a prestigious project, which involved conceptualisation, content writing, and launching of the product.A dream come true!? Well, it was beyond anything I had ever dreamt about. They were offering her air tickets, Accommodation, and lots of money to boot.
She pinched herself.Was She dreaming? Then it dawned on her. She was being rewarded, a thousandfold reward, for her simple act of generosity that afternoon. The old man’s toothless grin flashed in her mind’s eye.Was he some kind of an angel?

Aren’t we all angels in disguise? Her faith in Divinity and the power of ‘giving’ took a quantum leap. She remembered something that She had read somewhere, “The nature of nature is ‘giving’. Since we too are part of nature, it is natural for us to give.Giving means sharing. No more, no less.When we give we are just being a channel for the flow of His grace; because he is the only Source of abundance on Earth.”

She felt grateful beyond words, tears welled up in her eyes, and She let them roll down. Tears of love, joy,faith and gratitude.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

The healing Touch......

Four-year-old John’s neighbour, Mr. Walters, had recently lost his wife of 45 years.

One day when Mr. Walters was sitting alone in his backyard, crying softly and mourning the loss of his dear companion,little John crossed the garden and climbed into Mr. Walters’ lap and quietly sat with the old man for half an hour. When Suzanne, John’s mother, who was watching her son, later asked him, “What did you say to Mr.Walters?”

John replied, “Nothing. I just helped him cry.”

Apply it: At times, you can share the burden of an individual or give him strength in times of adversity by simply “being there for him”.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

True Education..

"I am not a coolie (Porter), but a student,"John replied curtly, when an old man asked him to help carry his suitcase.

Pranit, watching the entire scene, came closer and quietly helped the old man.

He then turned to John and said, "John, I would like to tell you something which happened to Albert Schweitzer, a Nobel peace prize winner, who was a highly educated man."

"He was a German who could have got any job he wanted but he chose to live in Africa as he felt people needed him the most there.

Once, he was building a cabin for which he needed logs of wood. He was carrying it himself and asked a young African youth for some help. The young man arrogantly replied,
'I am educated – I don't do this type of work.'

"Dr Schweitzer smiled and replied, 'Young man, if this is what education means, I certainly don't want to ever get educated.'

John blushed, understanding his folly.

Apply it: Treat all work as worthy of respect.
Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You


Today I will delete from my diary
two days: yesterday and tomorrow
Yesterday was to learn
and tomorrow will be the consequence
of what I can do today.

Today I will face life
with the conviction that this day
will not ever return.

Today is the last opportunity
I have to live intensely,
as no one can assure me
that I will see tomorrow's sunrise.

Today I will be brave enough
not to let any opportunity pass
me by,
my only alternative is to succeed.

Today I will invest
my most valuable resource:my time,
in the most transcendental work:
my life;
I will spend each minute
passionately to make
of today a different
and unique day in my life.

Today I will defy every obstacle
that appears on my way trusting
I will succeed.
Today I will resist
pessimism and will conquer
the world with a smile,
with the positive attitude
of expecting always the best.

Today I will make of every ordinary task
a sublime expression.

Today I will have my feet on the ground
understanding reality
and the stars' gaze
to invent my future.
Today I will take the time to be happy
and will leave my footprints and my presence
in the hearts of others.

Today, I invite you to begin a new season
where we can dream
that everything we undertake is possible
and we fulfill it,
with joy and dignity

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

The river and the clouds

There is a little stream that comes from a mountain spring. It is very small and young and wants
to reach the sea as quickly as possible. It does not know how to dwell peacefully in the present moment. It is in a hurry because it is so young…so it flows down the mountain, reaches the plains and becomes a river.
As a river it has to go more slowly. This is irritating because it is afraid that it will never get to the sea. But since it is forced to go more slowly, its waters become more still. Its surface begins to reflect the clouds in the sky – pink clouds, silver clouds, and white clouds. There are so many wonderful shapes.
All day it follows the clouds. It becomes attached to the beautiful clouds. So the river suffers because the clouds are impermanent. They are always moving with the wind, leaving the river to go off somewhere else. How the river suffers! The river tries over and over to hold on to the clouds. It is sad that the clouds will not stay with it and stand still. One day a stormy wind blew all the clouds away. The vault of the sky was very clear blue and empty.
How the river despaired. It no longer had a cloud to follow. There was not a cloud in the sky. The vast expanse of blue brought despair into the river’s heart.
“What is there to live for without the clouds….without my beloved one?” The river wanted to die, but how could a river kill itself? All night long it wept.
That night the river had a chance to listen to itself crying. The sound of its weeping was the sound of its own waves lapping on the shore.When it was able to come back to itself and hear its own crying, it had a very wonderful insight. It realised that its nature was also the nature of the cloud. It was the cloud.The cloud that lay in the depth of its own being. Just like the river,
the cloud was grounded in water.The cloud was made of water. ‘So why’, the river thought ‘do I have to run after the cloud? I only have to run after the cloud if I am not the cloud’. That night of utter loneliness and depression helped the river to wake up….That morning the blue emptiness of the sky, which had made the river feel so lonely, was now something new and very wonderful, clear and bright. The blueness of the sky was reflecting the newfound freedom and innocence of the river. It knew that the vault of the sky was the home of all the clouds and no cloud could exist outside the vault of the sky. The river understood that the nature of the cloud was not to
arrive and not to depart…
The river had another insight that morning. It saw the no-birth, no-death nature of the sky.This made the river very peaceful and quiet. It began to welcome and reflect the sky…Now the sky was always there for the river, day and night. Before, the river had not wanted to be in touch with the true nature of things. It had been in touch with change, with birth and death….
That afternoon when the clouds came back, the river was no longer attached to any particular one of them…
It smiled at every cloud as it passed. It welcomed and loved every cloud. Now the river felt the
special joy of equanimity…
The river was free. It did not feel it even needed to run to the sea anymore. That night a full moon rose and shone into the depths of the river.The moon, the river, and the water practised meditation together.The river enjoyed the present moment in freedom. It was liberated from all sorrow.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Where there's a will, there's a way

If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. Can you imagine an old man in his 70s, having a slender frame, diminutive and dressed in a simple white kurta and dhoti, actually making this quote come true? No? Well, you are not the only one who thought Dasrath
Manjhi of Bihar could never single-handedly carve a 360-ft long, 25-ft high and 30- ft wide road by cutting a mountain for 22 years!

But he did! Proving that the human spirit is greater than any mountain that stands in its way. Between Atri and Vazirgani, two villages in Gehlor, near Gaya in Bihar there stood a great mountain, making the distance between the two a perilous and arduous journey of 50 km.
Manjhi's wife was one day travelling this risky path but fell down on the way breaking her earthen pot and hurting herself. So that none other meets the same fate as his wife, Manjhi began his work, alone as everyone else laughed at his goal of cutting the mountain, with just a chisel, hammer and determination to create a road through the mountain. Today, with his
efforts the distance between the two villages is only 10 km! Although he is no more, his entire community can never forget that one man, alone, against all odds, showed them that where there is a will, the way simply springs forth!

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

God is Always there to Help Us........

In a certain cotton factory, a notice was put up on the walls of the workroom. It read as follows: “If your threads get tangled, send for the foreman.
One day a new worker got her threads tangled. She tried to disentangle them, but only made them worse. Then she sent for the foreman. He arrived quietly, and looked at her threads.
“You have been trying to do this yourself?” he asked her.
“Yes,” she replied.
“But why did you not send for me? Those were your instructions.”
“I was doing my best,” she said.
“No, you were not,” the foreman said.
“Remember that doing your best is sending for me!”
How often do we act like this worker! When we are in trouble,we often make things worse for ourselves. We run from pillar to post, appealing for help. We turn to our relatives; we entreat our friends for their support; we knock at the doors of our bank manager; we appeal to our business associates.We are only making things worse.We should call upon God for help, for that is the best thing we can do!
One of the surest ways to be secure is to practise the presence of God in your daily life. Make
this a habit; think of Him while you work, even as you think of worldly matters when you pray.
Connect to God as often as you can. Reserve just one minute for God, once every hour.During this one minute utter within yourself a positive affirmation such as, “I am not alone; God is with me,” or “O Friend of the lowly and the lost! I surrender the thread of my life in your hands!”
By so doing, you establish a contact with the source of all strength, with the fountainhead of all
success. Once every hour, throw yourself into His grace; turn to Him, relax in Him; let go, let God!

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Clear Your Mind

This rather contemporary metaphysical truth is as powerful as any old age. Put simply, the concept of space clearing that when we remove clutter from our lives we open ourselves up to good things.

This applies to bodily, emotional, and spiritual clutter. It is an accepted fact that when we clear our mind of old emotional cobwebs, irrational fears and other inner clutter we open ourselves to positive thoughts, inspirations and emotional well-being. However, what is amazing is how well
it works at a physical plane.

Space clearing will create new vistas for the renewal and revitalisation of any home.

Clutter is stuck energy that keeps us stuck in undesirable life patterns. Therefore, we can “sort out our life by sorting out our junk.”More than just junk, clutter has a negative symbology and collects stagnant energy. So when we free our space of stagnant energy we free up our life. That means when we clear out that which is no longer useful to us,we bring more good into our life.
Feng shui is the ancient art of enhancing and harmonising the flow of energy in our surroundings. There is a specialised branch of feng shui called ‘space clearing’which deals with the techniques of clearing bad energy from our home or workplace and creating space for good energy to take its place. There are specific methods to enhance the flow of positive energy into any space we live or work in and thus, it seems, create happiness and abundance in every area of our life. Bali and Chinese feng shui believe that one’s home is a ‘magical manifesting machine.’They teach how to consecrate space, use feng shui cures and enhancements like mirrors and wind chimes to
create balance and harmony.Also, eliminate clutter and clear ‘stuck’ energy by the simple expedient of rearranging furniture and discarding the dregs and oddments accumulated over a lifetime – tossing out stacks of dog-eared magazines, prized books unopened for ages, piles of clothes, accumulated gifts and other similar detritus.At work, it would mean storing half-finished projects and throwing out old files and other scarcely used accumulated office clutter.
Doing this not only makes us feel fresh and revived; it also helps us discover new things that we want.We thus create not only a sacred space but can also engage physically with the new energy of our home or workplace.

It is important that when we have cleared a space, we leave at least part of it empty for, like a breath of fresh air, it will act as a reminder of the other ways we can continue to open ourselves up for the things we really want. We let junk pile up in our closets, drawers, and even our garages. At times, we realise that we should throw it out; yet, we don’t seem to be able to part with it.“I might use it someday” or “It might come in handy sometime” holds us back.
Over time, it buries what is really useful to us, making it difficult to find what we are looking for. Now, compare that to our lives, for an amazing insight! Isn’t that true of our lives too? Old hurts, bad habits and hang-ups pile up like waste and prevent us from truly living. Kingston avers that clutter is more than just the result of sloppy housekeeping. It is rather a manifestation of our negative inner states such as ambiguous purpose, unfinished emotional business, negative family traditions and conflict with others. Unlike psychotherapy where we do the inner work first,with this approach we organise first and then look at what our reactions tell us about ourselves.
Apart from bringing plenitude, ridding ourselves of clutter can sometimes act as a mirror to our own inner world, prompting us to begin removing old layers of psychological and emotional sediments from deep within us – old patterns of behaviour, old issues, old guilt, old shame, old resentments and old rivalries. The emotional baggage holds us back in our life’s journey. The more of such detritus we discard, the more of our true, authentic selves we recover. Sometimes this also makes us question our priorities.Are there people in our life that we may need to let go? Could there be friends and acquaintances that we have held on to for too long? Are all the people in our life really for our highest good? We might then be prompted to release the negative, destructive ones so we can spend less of our energy trying to make those people fit into our life. So if we find that there is not enough room for good things in our life, perhaps we need to do a spring cleaning in different areas of our life.

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You

Sacrifice and Salvation

From sacrifice to salvation

Sacrifice is in the very order of nature. if the seed didn’t sacrifice itself, it wouldn’t become a seedling. the bud dies so that the flower can bloom, and the flower dies to yield fruit. human
society too progresses only to the extent it is willing to sacrifice

“I understand what is sacrifice and all that – but why should I sacrifice?” asks a friend of mine cheekily, “I have no grandiose agendas of getting enlightened and all that.” Fair enough, one can live an ‘unenlightened’ life, but can one live without peace? Acquiring more and more worldly possessions leads to stress and insecurity while Tyaga shantirantaram – peace, eternal and ecstatic, follows sacrifice.
Alexander the Great, after vanquishing all the mighty kings of India, had a taste of this when he met a yogi sleeping peacefully under a tree. “I have never seen such peace in anyone before,” said the Emperor, “I have conquered the entire world, yet cannot enjoy a good night’s sleep. You, in your loin cloth, appear supremely peaceful. Please come with me to Greece. I will give whatever you wish – wealth, land and a palace to live.” The yogi laughed. “O Emperor,”he said, “I am able to sleep in peace precisely because I neither own nor covet any of the material possessions.” Alexander flew into a rage, “Do you know who you are talking to? I shall cut you
into pieces if you do not obey me!” The yogi told the Emperor gently, “You can only cut my body, but I am not the body. I am that which dwells within the body. You call yourself a mighty
conqueror? You are a slave of my slave!” “How is that?” asked the miffed warrior. “I have conquered anger, but you appear to have not. Anger is my slave, and you are a slave of my
slave,” said the yogi. One cannot become happy without sacrifice, one cannot become fearless without sacrifice, and one cannot attain God without sacrifice, says the Mahabharat. The Yogi in the above anecdote was peaceful, happy, fearless, and one with God, only because he had renounced both the tangible and the intangible both externally and internally. Adi Shankara’s Bhaja Govindam is a step-bystep manual on how sacrifice can lead to salvation. Says the great seer, Satsangatve nissangatvam – through good and noble associations, sacrifice the lower associations and move towards being alone; nissangatve nirmohatvam – abiding in yourself,
sacrifice desire and attachment; nirmohatve nischalatatvam – devoid of desire, sacrifice the
wavering mind and become steady; nischalatatve jeevanmuktihi – with this unwavering mind, you are now liberated from the vagaries of this life and also the cycle of births and deaths.
Be a living sacrifice, said Jesus to Peter. If we, humanity, would resolve do so by dying to our
former, limited selves and identifying ourselves with the whole of God’s creation, we would also
bloom like the flower and flow like the river as nature intended – utterly beautiful, unselfish,
unattached, carefree and in bliss!

Lovely Thoughts for Lovely People Just Like You
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