Friday, March 12, 2010

The purpose of human life ??

The purpose of human life is to enquire:

Who am I?

Where have I come from?

What will happen to me at death?

Why do I suffer?

Why do others suffer?

Who is God?

How can I serve God?

Why is there variety of living beings?

How can I get out this cycle of birth, old age, disease, and death?

How can I live eternally?

Only the human beings enquire, the animals do not enquire. Unfortunately at the present time many humans have become two legged animals.

Give up lust, greed, and anger. These force us to sin and the result is hellish life in this life and the lives after.

Give up the killing of animals, especially the cows. The animals are also our brothers and sisters. This means no meat eating and no leather (car seats, sofas, clothing).

Human birth is rare, we have to make the best use of it by not engaging in sinful activities. The sinful activities are being greedy, lusty, angry, and violence against other living beings (animals and humans).

Don’t waste this life by getting attached to the bodily platform of life (meat eating, lust, greed, anger, partying, discoing, bollywood and so on). This body is just one drop in the ocean of bodies that we are going through. A sword is hanging over y our head. It will fall at any moment. All your properties, cars, and big bank balance won't help you at the time of death. Only your service to Lord Krishna will count at death. So make the best use of this precious life by serving Lord Krishna.

All your physics, chemistry, math, computing, and business knowledge will be completely erased at death. Only spiritual knowledge will go with you, and the top most spiritual knowledge is the Bhagavad-Gita. So don't waste precious time, read the Bhagavad-Gita, listen to the Bhagavad-Gita, and watch the Bhagavad-Gita.

We are the soul and not this body. The body is temporary but the soul is eternal and immortal. Our aim in life should be to escape from fangs of material life (birth, old age, disease, and death). This can only be done by humans, who have the higher consciousness.

We can attain an immortal spiritual body full of bliss, knowledge, eternal, and without a trace of calamity if we follow the Bhagavad-Gita with seriousness.

- Be compassionate towards all living beings, thus love all living beings. This means don't be envious or hateful of others. Be friendly to others, be nice to others, be kind to others, be generous to others, be merciful to others, be charitable to the needy. Don't cheat others, don't lie, don't steal, don't hurt others, don't drink, don't take drugs, don't eat meat, don't buy leather.

- This body you (the soul) are residing in, is temporary, but the real you, the soul, is eternal. Just as we change worn out clothes, jobs, houses, cars, partners, and so on. One day you will be forced to change your body too. So don't get too attached to this temporary body and material life. And just as a manufacturing company designs it's products today for production in the future. Similarly you are designing your next body with the actions you are taking now.

So if you think let me enjoy now and forget about the future. Thus if you think your next life is not worth thinking about now. Then your next life will be that of nothing. You will take birth among the 8 million species of living beings below that of human beings (animal and plant kingdoms).

- There is only one person who without any doubt declared himself and proved that he was the Supreme Personality of God, Lord Krishna. Always think of him, worship him, and serve him. In this age of Kali, which means the age of ignorance, there will be so many godless people who will try to make you godless too. Surrender onto the only proven God, Lord Krishna.

Do you know anyone who can lift a mountain, expand himself into thousands of forms, show the whole Universe in his mouth, put out a forest fire by swallowing it, kill all the demonic and save people in this very life. Lord Krishna did all this.

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