Thursday, March 25, 2010

Healing Meditation for Pain.

Here is a meditation technique you can do with a person who is experiencing a headache or any other pain. Have the person lie down,close his eyes,and relax deeply.Have him focus on his breath for a while,breathing deeply and slowly,yet naturally.Have him count down from ten to one slowly,feeling himself drift into a deeper,more relaxed state of being with each count.When the person is very relaxed,have him imagine a bright color,any color(the first color that comes to mind).Ask him to picture it as a sphere of bright light about six inches in diameter.Now ask him to picture it gradually growing bigger and bigger,until eventually it fills his whole field of mental vision.When he has experienced this,ask him to picture it shrinking,growing smaller and smaller until it's back to its original size.Now have it grow smaller still,until it's only an inch or so in diameter,still shrinking,and finally disappearing completely. Now go through the visualization exercise again,and this time have the person imagine that the color is his pain.

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