Saturday, June 26, 2010

Color Me ‘Buddha-ful’ Live a Healthy Life

Each chakra (energy centers in the body) is associated with a color and a corresponding sound, and every color is a different wavelength of light, which gives it a unique energy. Therefore, since each color has a different tone, eating a variety of colorful foods is like a symphony playing in your body. If you want to be in harmony, give your body a healthy balance of colorful foods. On the other hand, eating the same things every day is like playing “Chopsticks” over and over and won’t do much for your body.

Test Your Nature IQ

Try answering these colorful questions:

1.What’s the best color plate to use if you’re on a diet?
2.What color indicates that a plant or food may contain sunscreening benefits?
3.According to Chinese medicine, what do yellow foods help in the body?
4.Name the color that Leonardo da Vinci is referring to in this quote: “The power of meditation can be ten times greater under _____ light falling through a stained glass window of a quiet church.”

3.The liver and digestion
Like food, color isn’t a one-size-fits-all affair. As in life, there are exceptions to the rules, but here are general clues of food colors that can help you:

Red. Primitive cultures believed that red food helped the blood, since it mirrors its appearance. We know that beets have a plentiful supply of iron, which nourishes the blood, along with fiber, which helps reduce serum cholesterol. Betacyanin, the red pigment of beets, can increase the blood’s oxygen-carrying ability by being absorbed into the blood’s corpuscles. The powerful antioxidant lycopene, found in red foods like tomatoes (which even have four chambers like the heart), reduces cholesterol. Anthocyanins, reddish pigments found in many red fruits, also protect against heart disease.

In addition, red flower essences are reportedly good for the heart, blood circulation, energy, and vitality. In herbalism, red plants are used to treat fever. And pink and red are associated with the endocrine system.

Orange. Orange flower remedies are used to increase sociability, which is a characteristic of the second chakra.

Yellow. Yellow foods are associated with digestion (“yellow belly”), the solar plexus, the lymph system, cells, intestines, and the liver. In Chinese medicine, this color is associated with the stomach and spleen, and in Western herbalism, an olive (yellow green) color is associated with bile, which is a crucial part of the digestive system.

To get your energy moving first thing in the morning, drink some warm lemon water and tap on your kidneys, which are located near the spine at the small of the back. You can also add a little cayenne pepper as a wake-up call.

Look at how Nature’s yellows are related to the stomach area. Ginger relieves upset stomachs and encourages bile flow. The bromelain in pineapple helps with digestion. Chamomile helps inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Yellow-flower remedies are often used for liver and self-esteem issues. Dark yellow flowers stimulate life force and the liver, while light yellow flowers help with internal cleansing.

Green. Green plants store the energy they receive from the sun, and that energy becomes a part of the food you eat. Dark green plants are generally high in minerals and help the circulatory system. Cucumbers and fresh green juices are great for alkalizing your body, contributing to optimum health. (You’ll get great results juicing fresh greens for a few days. You’ll actually feel more energy; develop clearer, more vibrant skin; and gain new perspectives easier.)

Blue. According to author and berry researcher Paul Gross, Ph.D., dark blue, purple, or black fruits that easily stain your fingers during picking are great sources of anthocyanins, plant pigments that have numerous health benefits. Among other benefits, anthocyanins help eyesight and the nervous system, and they fight atherosclerosis.1

And interestingly, using small-sized sky blue plates may help you eat more slowly, because this light color has a calming effect on the brain. Dark blue fends off a large appetite.

Purple. Generally, purple flowers calm and relax you. This is no surprise because purple, the color of the seventh chakra, is known to be soothing and is related to spirituality in many cultures. Even Leonardo da Vinci believed that the power of meditating was up to ten times greater under a stained-glass window’s violet light in a church.2

Black. According to Chinese medicine, black herbs and foods (such as nori, black rice, black cherries, black mushrooms, and black beans) help improve kidney function.

More About Chakras

Chakra diagram
Chakras an overview
Chakras are energy centres in the body believed to influence the way the body functions. There are seven major chakras commonly used in yoga, meditation and crystal healing. These are located centrally in the body, five lie in front of the spine, one in the forehead and one on the top of the head. There are also many smaller chakras dispersed around the body.

The term chakra originates from sages and seers of ancient India (thousands of years BC). They perceived life forces (nadis) flowing through the body in pathways of energy that interacted with every element of the body. Chakras are positioned where these pathways of energy intersect. The term chakra means "wheel", it is likely to have been used because where two sources of energy intersect a spinning vortex is created (this can be seen in eddies in rivers and in tornados).

Chakras are said to govern the balance and health of the body. Generally where the energy forces in the chakras are balanced, the body will be in a good state of health. If the chakras become unbalanced (i.e. one or more chakras produce more or less energy than the others) there will be a corresponding physical effect on the organs of the a body or the persons mental state. When this occurs chakra balancing is required.

Chakra balancing
Involves controlling the energy in the chakras using one of a number of techniques: Yoga uses posture to relieve stress on the imbalanced chakras, meditation uses visualisation to channel the bodies energies appropriately, crystal healing uses the energies of crystals associated with the chakras to regulate the unbalanced chakras.

The seven major chakras
The following sections give a basic description of the 7 major chakras, what part of the body they influence and their affinity to crystals and gemstones.

base chakra (muladhara)
Physical Influences - lower intestines, lower spine, rectum and adrenal glands (although some distance away, the base chakra is strongly linked with survival instincts which influence the adrenal glands).

Emotional Influences - the base chakra is strongly linked with support and security. It provides grounding and a general feeling of safety.

Psychic Influences - the base chakra is associated with helping to increase a persons general intuition.

Empathic Gemstones - bloodstone, carnelian, garnet, hematite, obsidian, ruby, red jade, red jasper, rhodochrosite, smokey quartz.


sacral chakra (svadistana)
Physical Influences - the sacral chakra has strong affinity with sensuality, pleasure and self image. It influences the lower spine, sex glands, ovaries and testicles.

Emotional Influences - the sacral chakra is said to inspire creativity, intimacy and sensuality in a person.

Psychic Influences - the sacral chakra is strongly linked with a persons cliarsentience. This is the ability to touch an object and feel the energy surrounding it.

Empathic Gemstones - amber, carnelian, citrine, moonstone, orange calcite, rutilated quartz, tigers eye.


solar plexus chakra (manipura)
Physical Influences - the digestive system including the stomach, liver, spleen, small intestine.

Emotional Influences - the solar plexus chakra is associated with self-esteem, courage and confidence. The solar plexus can give a person control over their life in order to make greater achievements. It also provides emotional solidity.

Psychic Influences - the solar plexus chakra is known for increasing peoples sensitivity to emotional reactions.

Empathic Gemstones - citrine, malachite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, smokey quartz, tigers eye, topaz.


heart chakra (anahata)
Physical Influences - the heart chakra controls life energy and hence influences the respiratory system including lungs and heart.

Emotional Influences - the heart chakra is said to enhance a persons overall compassion. It is also associated with unconditional love.

Psychic Influences - the heart chakra helps people who use it to understand peoples emotions more clearly.

Emphatic Gemstones - jade, green quartz, lepidolite, moss agate, rose quartz, sugilite, watermelon tourmaline.


throat chakra (vishuddha)
Physical Influences - the throat chakra controls the body's metabolic rate and breathing. It influences the throat, thyroid gland, saliva glands and neck.

Emotional Influences - the throat chakra is closely linked to expression, communication and speaking honestly. It is also linked with knowing the truth.

Psychic Influences - the throat chakra is said to increase a persons clairaudience. This is the perception of messages in thought forms from an entity who exists in another realm.

Emphatic Gemstones - blue lace agate, celestite, lapis lazuli, turquoise.


third eye (ajna)
Physical Influences - the third eye directs wisdom, intuition, foresight and imagination. It influences the pineal and pituitary glands which control cycles of activity and rest.

Emotional Influences - the third eye chakra is directly linked to clearness, intuition, vision and good judgement.

Psychic Influences - the third eye chakra is linked with advanced intuition, having a sixth sense, psychic powers and clairvoyance. This is the ability to see with senses beyond the five we normally use.

Emphatic Gemstones - amethyst, fluorite, lapis lazuli, sodalite.


crown chakra (sahasrara)
Physical Influences - the crown chakra influences the higher brain functions, it is associated with knowledge and understanding.

Emotional Influences - the crown chakra is linked with spirituality. It is also associated with being at one with your higher self.

Psychic Influences - the crown chakra is linked to developing inner knowledge and possibly a seventh sense.

Emphatic Gemstones - amethyst, clear quartz, selenite, sugilite.

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